Friday, November 29, 2013

Day of Thanksgiving

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
 for his steadfast love endures forever.
-psalm 136:1

Yesterday was my first Thanksgiving away from my family. I woke up slightly disappointed that I couldn't spend the day with them and upset that I had to teach. This thought only lasted a minute, as it was swept away by unfathamable gratitude. It started with the ray of light that was slipping through the curtains. I jumped up to look out the window. 

The sunrise was amazing. 

Just as the warmth of the sun spreads over the earth, joy and gratitude filled my entire being.  So, I started thanking God for what I did have, and you know what the first thing that I thought was, "thank you God for allowing me to see my students today!"

I have so much to thank God for! He has blessed me so much and I can't help but rejoice. Even my longing for seeing my family was satisfied with, not one, but two FaceTime dates before and after dinner. 

I had a half of a day of teaching, then the afternoon was filled with decorating and cooking. I love to decorate and just like I do at home, I went on a little scavenger hunt around the compound to find beautiful things to decorate the room with. 

We had around 25 people gather together, representing 8 different nationalities. What a blessing to share our American holiday with so many people! The food was amazing, the fellowship better, and the time of singing praise songs at the end was the best. 

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