Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Atamora Village

Today I went back to visit the pottery village with my roommate and her sister who's visiting from the U.S. It was nice to visit without the responsibility of the students being with me.

It was fun to meet the school aged kids from the village, who had just gotten back from school. 

 Brother and sister pose for a picture.

 One of the village women sorting palms to make palm oil.
 These lizards are all over the place, but are usually hard to get a picture of, because they always scamper away.

There were several little piglets in the village who had been orphaned.

 IBK's daughter tried to make a pot like her dad, out of a tiny lump of clay.

The kids were fascinated by my skin color and kept stroking or pinching my arms to see how it felt.
 With no electricity, one person has to crank the wheel, while the other one throws the pot.
IBK was focused on centering the pot.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz long time! Nice pictures! Please be my friend on Facebook. Ibukunoluwa Ayoola is my full names.cheers IBK
