Monday, June 22, 2015

Wash Day

I want to blog more about my weekend in Nambila Village, but when you spend a weekend away, then things start to get pretty smelly and when what happens, it's time to do wash.

Thankfully we don't have to do wash by hand here, but it is a learning curve figuring out the washer. 

Step one includes putting the clothes in the washer and filling it with the nearby hose and some washing powder. 

After the clothes are washed have been agitated for 15 minutes, you can turn the cycle in again for extra dirty clothes, or drain the water. Add clean water with the house and run the cycle again in the ran water the drain it. 
After that, you take some of the clothes and add them to the spinner. 
After a good spin, they're ready to hang on the line. 
And that's how it's done. 

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